So here was the topic of many conversations around the Sunday Dinner table.
Last thanksgiving we put together the usual cast of characters to forge the Thanksgiving festivities of yesteryear knowing that the task was daunting in the absence of our patriarch.
Not only was it a particularly difficult time finding somebody else in the 30 years of tradition to carve the bird, but knowing that it was hands down the most favorite of holiday for my father as all of his favorite people were under one roof for a fraction of time, and the holiday itself consisted of food and football.
Not a moment was spent not missing him that day, but photos were snapped at seemingly shiny happy people and food and time were consumed in his memory.
Later we got back photos from family friends documenting our day together, and unmistakable evidence of my fathers attendance were revealed. Yes we felt a particularly strong sense that he was with us that day, and yes we discussed it on more than one occasion, but to have what could only be explained as photographic evidence, is bone chilling.
The picture above is Carrie sitting at the throne of my fathers computer chair and the light in the justified left can only be explained in the same manner as all other evidence of apparitions are revealed in television shows like Ghost Hunters and A Haunting.
You must know that the only light source in the room is a desk lamp that would be next to the computer keyboard photo right, opposite of the mysterious light on the photo, and this is not the only photo that this "yellow light" appeared that day.
The owner of the camera assured us that the camera had never produced this affect before or after this day and all other pictures from that day (save for one other) did not have this cosmic cloud.
The only other photo with what we know now to be his spirit was when my mother was writing her time taled tradition of what she was thankful for and deeply remembering how much fun my father had with this exercise and knowing that his wit would be missed this year. I will save this photo for the family.
So it would suit you all to believe that when a presence really needs to be felt, they will show up...and even pose for a picture.
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